As many as 505 gold coins weighing 1.716 kg were unearthed in a copper vessel during digging at Jambukeswarar Akhilandeswari Temple in Tamil Nadu's Tiruchirappalli district on Wednesday. According to The News Minute, the worth of the gold could be estimated between ₹70 lakh and ₹82 lakh depending upon whether it is 22 karat or 24 karat.
As many as 505 gold coins weighing 1.716 kg were unearthed in a copper vessel during digging at Jambukeswarar Akhilandeswari Temple in Tamil Nadu's Tiruchirappalli district on Wednesday. According to The News Minute, the worth of the gold could be estimated between ₹70 lakh and ₹82 lakh depending upon whether it is 22 karat or 24 karat.