A curfew was imposed in Delhi's Maujpur, Jafrabad, Chandbagh, and Karawal Nagar areas on Tuesday, while Section 144 in Northeast Delhi would continue to be in force till March 24. Today marks the third day of clashes over Citizenship (Amendment) Act in Delhi. Home Minister Amit Shah met with Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and LG Anil Baijal over the riots.
A curfew was imposed in Delhi's Maujpur, Jafrabad, Chandbagh, and Karawal Nagar areas on Tuesday, while Section 144 in Northeast Delhi would continue to be in force till March 24. Today marks the third day of clashes over Citizenship (Amendment) Act in Delhi. Home Minister Amit Shah met with Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and LG Anil Baijal over the riots.