As many as 318 people, including 203 terrorists and 75 security personnel, were killed in terror-related incidents in Jammu and Kashmir this year, the Lok Sabha was informed on Tuesday. In the northeast, 97 people, including 51 insurgents and 12 security personnel, were killed in insurgency-related incidents, Minister of State for Home Hansraj Ahir said during Question Hour. Up to December 14 this year, 337 terror incidents were reported in Jammu and Kashmir in which 40 civilians, 75 security personnel and 203 terrorists were killed and 321 persons injured. Ninety-one terrorists were also arrested.
As many as 318 people, including 203 terrorists and 75 security personnel, were killed in terror-related incidents in Jammu and Kashmir this year, the Lok Sabha was informed on Tuesday. In the northeast, 97 people, including 51 insurgents and 12 security personnel, were killed in insurgency-related incidents, Minister of State for Home Hansraj Ahir said during Question Hour. Up to December 14 this year, 337 terror incidents were reported in Jammu and Kashmir in which 40 civilians, 75 security personnel and 203 terrorists were killed and 321 persons injured. Ninety-one terrorists were also arrested.