The Lok Sabha was informed on Tuesday that the Home Ministry will train 27,500 police personnel across the country to tackle cyber crimes against women and children. "Ministry of Home Affairs is implementing Cyber Crime Prevention against Women and Children scheme in the period 2017-2020 which aims to train 27,500 police personnel across the country in the field of cyber domain," Minister of State for Home Affairs Hansraj Gangaram Ahir said. He also said that the Centre had directed all the state and union territory governments to monitor closely the situation arising against the backdrop of blue whale challenge gamewherein several instances of children committing suicide had come to fore. The Blue Whale Challenge is reportedly a suicide game in which the player is given certain tasks to complete over a period of 50 days and the final task leads him or her to commit suicide.
The Lok Sabha was informed on Tuesday that the Home Ministry will train 27,500 police personnel across the country to tackle cyber crimes against women and children. "Ministry of Home Affairs is implementing Cyber Crime Prevention against Women and Children scheme in the period 2017-2020 which aims to train 27,500 police personnel across the country in the field of cyber domain," Minister of State for Home Affairs Hansraj Gangaram Ahir said. He also said that the Centre had directed all the state and union territory governments to monitor closely the situation arising against the backdrop of blue whale challenge gamewherein several instances of children committing suicide had come to fore. The Blue Whale Challenge is reportedly a suicide game in which the player is given certain tasks to complete over a period of 50 days and the final task leads him or her to commit suicide.